Los Angeles Compensable Consequence Injury Lawyer

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Los Angeles Compensable Consequence Injury Attorney

When you are hurt or suffer an illness on the job, there are enough challenges just to get back to good health and your job. When you have new pain or injuries caused by the original injury, you might wonder if you will ever get your life back. Your new injuries could be considered compensable consequence injuries. They may be covered by worker’s compensation laws.

When you have a new injury that might have been caused by the initial injury, you need to protect your rights and your job. If the resulting injury was a direct and natural consequence of the original workplace injury, call the Law Offices of Anthony Choe.

Our lead attorney is a worker’s compensation attorney who understands California’s workers’ comp laws and compensable consequence injuries.

What Are Some Types Of Compensable Consequences?

Workplace injuries that could lead to compensable consequences include:

  • Pain in your hand because you are using it too much due to carpal tunnel in your other hand
  • Blood clots that cause a stroke
  • Walking issues that lead to falls
  • Nerve damage after surgery complications
  • A knee injured at work buckles and causes a fall that injures you elsewhere
  • You get hurt while traveling to get medical treatment for the original injury
  • A work-related injury leads to an addiction to painkillers
  • An Experienced Defender Of Your Worker’s Compensation Claims

Our lead attorney, Anthony Choe, began his career defending employers and insurance companies against worker’s compensation claims. He was successful in the role but realized there was another side to these cases. He was fighting claims for people who were injured on the job and often faced difficult times down the road.

Representation Can Make Difference

It can be difficult to prove compensable consequences, and California’s worker’s comp laws are complicated. Your doctor must provide the cause of injury through analysis documents. We can work with you and your doctor to make sure you have correct documentation.

Free Initial Consultation With An Experienced Lawyer

Let us protect your rights if you suffered a workplace injury and you need to recover expenses. For a free initial consultation at our Los Angeles office, call 213-788-4448 or contact us online.


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