Workplace accidents: Worker fatally struck by falling steel beam


The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health reported that inspectors are investigating the death of a 29-year-old worker in San Diego County earlier this month. As in all fatal workplace accidents, the agency will determine whether safety violations on the work site played a role in this tragedy. The incident occurred in the yard of a metal fabrication business in the region of East County.

According to a report by the medical examiner, the incident occurred at about 10:20 a.m on a Wednesday when a forklift operator placed steel beams onto the bed of a trailer. In the process, he accidentally struck another stack of I-beams that were loaded earlier. Reportedly, the impact knocked three massive iron beams off the trailer, hitting the worker who was at ground level.

Paramedics rushed to the scene to find the worker with no pulse. They rushed him to the trauma bay of an area hospital, but the best efforts of doctors were not able to resuscitate him. The medical examiner listed his death as caused by blunt force trauma.

Losing loved ones in workplace accidents are naturally extremely traumatic for the surviving family members. While dealing with the emotional loss, they might also have to cope with the expenses related to end-of-life arrangements, day-to-day living expenses and monthly obligations such as rental or mortgage payments. Fortunately, the California workers’ compensation insurance program allows families to file death benefits claims for financial assistance to address those costs. Experienced legal counsel can help and simplify the claims process, which could be daunting if navigated without help.

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