Monthly Archives: August 2019

Workplace injuries: West Nile Virus threatens California workers

Authorities recently reported a West Nile Virus outbreak in Los Angeles County.…

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California bill could make workers’ comp available to gig economy

The gig economy has become more and more popular for those looking…

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Night shift workers are more vulnerable to workplace injuries

Tens of thousands of workers across California work outside the traditional 9-to-5…

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Garbage collectors put their safety on the line every day

Although the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health does not have…

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Robotic co-workers pose new threats of workplace injuries

More and more workers in California have to get used to dealing…

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Emphasis on prevention of heat-related workplace injuries

National Heatstroke Prevention Day was held on July 31. Underscoring the dangers…

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Recycling safe for planet and often dangerous for workers

California has long taken a leading role in protecting the environment, and…

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