What must I do to return to work after an injury?


The goal of workers’ compensation is to get you back to work. However, the system’s design is to ensure that you do not return to your job before your body is ready.

Because insurance companies obviously hope you will not be out of work too long because it means more money they will pay out, the state makes sure that they do not try to force you back to work too soon. There are specific steps to returning to work so that you only do so when your body is fully healed.

Your safety is the top priority

When it comes to returning to your job, you must have approval from multiple people. Your doctor will have to assess your condition and approve you for all job duties. Your employer and the claims administrator also must give approval for you to get back to work. You also have the ability to express your feelings about going back.

It is possible that not everyone will agree that you are ready to return to work after an injury. You may have little choice if your doctor says you are not physically ready to go back, especially if he or she has documentation of issues with your condition that would make it difficult or dangerous for you to go back.

Communication is key

It is essential for you to communicate your feelings to all parties involved in the process. Your doctor also needs to be direct and stay on top of providing documentation to the claims administrator about your condition.

The main target for everyone should be to get you back to work. However, it must only happen when that is beneficial and safe for you to do so.

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