Cal/OSHA Reminds Employers To Protect Workers From Heat


Working outdoors in California during the summer can be more than uncomfortable – it can be dangerous, even fatal. Our state has numerous occupations that do not take time off just because the temperature rises. Having to maintain productivity outdoors when the temperature climbs into the triple digits puts workers at risk of dehydration, heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses that can cause serious injuries or death.

Some of the types of workers who are especially at risk due to high temperatures include:

  • Agricultural workers
  • Landscapers
  • Construction workers
  • Road workers

Employers Are Required To Protect Workers From Heat Illness

In California, employers are required to take steps to protect their workers from the heat and the harm it can cause. Some of the steps that employers are required to take by Cal/OSHA include:

  • Providing shade when the temperature goes above 80 degrees
  • Training workers on how to recognize the symptoms of heat illness
  • Implementation of a buddy system when temperatures exceed 95 degrees and regular communication with workers who regularly work alone

Cal/OSHA’s has developed a Heat Illness Prevention program that includes many aspects designed to protect outdoor workers such as:

  • Inspections of outdoor worksites
  • Implementation of a Heat Illness Prevention Standard
  • Multilingual outreach
  • Development of training materials
  • Publishing a Heat Illness Prevention web page and the “Water. Rest Shade.” campaign website

Workers who have complaints about working conditions related to heat exposure are encouraged to contact the California Workers’ Information line at 866-924-9757 or their local Cal/OSHA office directly. If injuries have occurred, contact an experienced compensation attorney to help ensure you receive the all of the benefits to which you are entitled.

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