Safety plans can limit construction workers accidents


Construction company owners in California are typically responsible for the health and safety of hundreds of workers with a wide range of competency and training levels. Along with compliance with prescribed safety standards, the only way to limit construction workers accidents is by drafting a site-specific safety plan to outline potential safety risks and the manners in which they will be managed. Each project is unique, and hazard assessments are crucial before work commences.

The safety plan should list safety representatives like supervisors and foremen for all the different sections of the project. These individuals must have gone through appropriate safety and first-aid training, and have the ability to identify potential hazards and take steps to address them. Another responsibility of the safety representatives would be to assess and enforce compliance with state and federal safety standards at all times.

Every piece of machinery, power tools and personal protective equipment must be inspected as part of the safety plan, along with a program for regular inspections throughout the project, and details of the steps to take with deficient equipment. Schedules for safety training and meetings must be included in the plan, and accident reports must include even minor injuries. Planning the safety of a construction site also requires identification of danger zones and placing the necessary warning signs.

While construction workers accidents will undoubtedly be limited on projects for which proper safety plans were established, injuries might still occur. Fortunately, California workers are protected by the state-regulated workers’ compensation program that provides benefits to cover medical expenses and lost wages. Victims of accidents that caused disabilities might be eligible for additional benefits, and experienced legal counsel can assist with benefits claims procedures.

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