What to do in the immediate aftermath of a workplace injury


A workplace injury can happen suddenly. Even if you assume that the injury is minor, that’s not always the case. If you don’t take the right steps in the immediate aftermath of a workplace injury, you put your health and your financial well-being at risk.

Here is what you should do

Generally speaking, there are four distinct steps to take if you’re injured on the job. The following is what you will need to do:

  • Report your injury: Don’t make the mistake of hiding your injury from your company. If you can’t immediately report the incident to your supervisor, contact the HR department. Also, request a claim form to ensure that your injury is documented.
  • Seek immediate medical care: The word “immediate” is what matters most. Waiting is never a good idea, as it can put your workers’ compensation claim in jeopardy. Not to mention the fact that it also puts your health and well-being at risk. Should you require transportation to a local hospital, call 911 to request it.
  • Talk to an attorney: Insurance companies are in the business of making money. And for that reason, they don’t want to pay out money for workers’ compensation claims, unless they absolutely have to. With an attorney assisting you, it’s much easier to head down the right path and protect your legal rights while doing so.
  • Continue your employment: You’re scared that your employer will terminate you, so you get the idea that you should fight through your pain and continue to work. This is a bad idea, as it can result in additional pain and injuries. Also, if you don’t perform as expected, your employer could terminate you. Don’t quit. Instead, report your injury and learn more about obtaining workers’ compensation benefits.

These are the types of basic steps you must take in the immediate aftermath of a workplace injury.

If you do these things, you’ll feel confident in your ability to obtain the compensation you deserve until you’re able to return to work. Never give in, as you have legal rights and protecting them will secure your future.

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